Stick to 9 to 5 if you don’t have these qualities or are willing to develop them.

Handling Adversity – teaches you to stay poised in chaotic situations, perform under pressure where most people give up, get out of your comfort zone without complaining and survive.

Health – the rigorous workout routines keep you in great shape physically and mentally.  In business, you must be prepared and have the energy required to sustain long hour shifts.

Focus – knowing what you want to accomplish and not veering until the mission is completed.  This also means not being too down when things aren’t going your way or getting too excited when things seem to be going well.

Creativity – learn how to adapt to different situations and get lots done with limited resources.

Multi-Task – A soldier trains to be ready to move, aim, shoot, communicate with fellow soldiers and looking out for enemies all at once.  There are times you must multitask in business also.  Especially in the early stages as you’re getting established.

Calculated Risk – Often times in business, risk equals opportunity.  In combat, you learn how to deal with paranoia and manage risks by being put in positions where you have to make swift instinctual decisions.

Toughness – You simply can’t please everyone.  Expect to face criticisms especially as you grow and succeed.  Many drills in the military make you tough physically and mentally.  You need thick skin to thrive in business.

Teamwork – It goes without saying that you simply can’t make it big in business being a one person team.  You need to build a tribe and learn to work with people from different cultures.  Leadership skills, strategizing and working together on the same mission is one of the great lessons developed.

Independence – This isn’t a place where your parent will clean up after you.  The military teaches you the disciplines you need to be independent by paying close attention to the smallest details.

Work Ethic – without strong work ethic and discipline, you won’t have longevity in business.

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