Plyometrics are essentially jumping training that allows you to “kill two birds with one stone” because it’s comprised of strength and cardiovascular exercises.  They are intense because they require lots of energy and it activates most of the muscles in the entire body.  This causes you to burn lots of calories after a single session.  The workouts made me more explosive during my athletic events and also kept me in great physical condition as I continue to include it in my regimen.  The exercises are powerful and repetitive which will contract your muscles.  Then immediately stretch and lengthen them to produce maximal power.  The drills are ideal for athletes looking to improve muscular power, speed and strength. They are also beneficial to individuals looking to lose weight, improve muscle tone and definition.  Due to the intensity of these drills strive for gentle landings.  Perform at your own risk or consult your health advisor before engaging in them.

Split Jump: Start with one leg forward and the other leg aligned behind the body like you’re doing a lunge without flexing the forward leg no more than 90 degrees.  Then Jump as high and erect as you can while maintaining control of your body.  Swing your arms in the upward movement to add explosiveness.  Land in the split position on the same forward leg and bend the knee slightly forward to absorb the shock.  Then repeat on the other side.  3 sets; 8-12 reps on each side (rest 2 mins between sets).

Scissors Jump: The initial starting and explosive movement is identical to the split jump.  The difference is you reverse the leg position quickly at the top of the jump.  3 sets; 8-12 reps (rest 2 mins between sets).

Squat Jump:  Drop to a squat position with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees bent at 90 degree angle.  Your thighs should be parallel to the floor.  Begin your jump just before you reach half-squat posture.  Jump as high as you can while maintaining great form.  Then return to the squat position again and repeat.  3 sets; 8-12 reps (rest 2 mins between sets).

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